It's another bug bash! We've spent the month slogging our way through the bug database and fixing the highest priority issues to being you a slicker, faster, better, less buggy Prison Architect. But that's not all - NOT ONLY have we fixed 39 issues and resolved 550 duplicates, we also present a brand new feature! Tell your mates, put it on facebook, set twitter on fire, let the world know that Prison Architect now comes with a digital clock. |
Bugs Fixed[]
- 0002141: [Save & Load] Can overwrite save files without warning (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0005441: [Gameplay] object_FoodWaste is not being removed properly (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0006001: [Other] Name in Game ages incorrect (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0006021: [Control & User Interface] too many informants cover the screen (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0005611: [Control & User Interface] Clone toolbar not visible (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0006069: [Gameplay] Supermax security prisoners are downgraded back to Max security after a murder (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0006493: [AI & Behaviour] prisoners use the same seat/phone/shower etc (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0001589: [Control & User Interface] Request - digital clock (elDiablo) - resolved.
- 0004535: [Control & User Interface] Enumerate cells by security level (elDiablo) - resolved.
- 0003822: [Gameplay] Always Fog Of War (Chris) - resolved.
- 0004464: [Gameplay] Cooks and reform programs clash with the new regime system (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0004193: [AI & Behaviour] (Some) Prisoners won't attend Reform Programs (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0003542: [Graphics] Full-screen image flash when contraband discovered (elDiablo) - resolved.
- 0004588: [AI & Behaviour] Multiple regimes not working with classroom scheduling (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0004515: [Sound] Riot Music Continues to Play After Loading a Different Prison (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0005846: [Save & Load] Special char in user account name result in the game failing to save (John) - resolved.
- 0001358: [AI & Behaviour] Dead inmate's family still come for visitation (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0004720: [AI & Behaviour] Teacher wanders into adjacent rooms while teaching (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0003948: [Control & User Interface] dragging sound may continue playing when it shouldn't (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0003162: [Sound] Construction sound would not stop (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0004048: [Sound] carpenter table sound continues even when no one is working at it (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0002093: [Sound] Sirens do not turn off (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0006208: [Sound] Ringing sound when deploying guard for patrols (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0000450: [Other] Make the introduction video skippable (elDiablo) - resolved.
- 0004419: [AI & Behaviour] Having Multiple Psychiatrists running Multiple Counseling Programs causes them to jump between. (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0004528: [Control & User Interface] non-click mouse input still possible when window is not in focus (John) - resolved.
- 0005164: [Control & User Interface] Introduction Objectives (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0002655: [Save & Load] Incident free timer resets on load (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0003969: [AI & Behaviour] visitors may go to the wrong visitation rooms (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0000027: [AI & Behaviour] Garbage is unloaded at Deliveries (elDiablo) - resolved.
- 0001061: [Save & Load] Prisoner's sleep state not saved (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0004784: [Control & User Interface] Policy Tab - Setting punishments to "None" resets after save & load (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0002563: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoner released same time as family goes to meet him (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0002611: [Graphics] An Invisible Prisoner (Icepick) - resolved.
- 0005896: [Save & Load] Cannot save game. So I cannot load it neither. (John) - resolved.
- 0006020: [Gameplay] Bankruptcy when playing with unlimited funds (lim_ak) - resolved.
- 0004601: [Sound] [motherbug] Issues regarding Sound which does not stop when it should (Icepick) - closed.
- 0002461: [Sound] riots music does not stop after a riot (Icepick) - closed.
- 0004874: [Sound] Lockdown alarm continues to sound after loading a different *.prison (Icepick) - closed