Prison Architect Wiki

A Prisoner will leave a Dummy in their Bed whilst digging an escape tunnel or whilst making an escape attempt.

If a Bed is found with a Dummy, the Prisoner digging the escape tunnel will come out and attempt to escape by going through the main exit, much like what happens when a Guard searches a Toilet and an escape tunnel is being dug.

The Dummy itself appears to be a basketball with a face drawn on it, despite the fact that there are no basketball hoops nor there being any basketball courts in the game.

Dummies will look identical to Prisoners until the tunnel being dug is discovered.

The Dummy will be revealed if:

If the Cell containing a Dummy is not searched until later in a Shakedown, the Prisoner digging the escape tunnel will have time to return to their Cell and thus the Dummy will not be revealed. A strategy to get around this is to call a role-call at a time where prisoners would be digging an escape tunnel. They will return later to the role call if this happens (this could then lead to a search of their cell, which will reveal the escape tunnel-if successful).
