Prison Architect Wiki

The name 'Legendary Prisoner' is a colloquial term used to describe prisoners that are considered so dangerous, they must be segregated from the rest of the general population, preferably in a SuperMax wing.These prisoner types are uncommon and can arrive among your death row, maximum, medium or even minimum security intakes.

Legendary Stubbs

Apart from the fact that these prisoners will be marked with a capitalised 'LEGENDARY' tag in their biographies, these prisoner types can be distinguished from other prisoners by their unusually extensive list of reputations. Legendary prisoners will always carry several reputations. These reputations are often in extreme and are associated with that prisoner's physique and fighting abilities, e.g. extremely tough, extremely deadly, extremely strong. It is very common that a legendary will have at least one or more of these reputations, including several others.

As of "The Sneezer", Legendary Prisoners can be intaken, with a pay of $15,000 for every Legendary Prisoner that enters your prison. They will automatically be assigned as Maximum Security, and will be the last off the buses, so when the buses finish intake, it is recommended you assign the last Maximum security prisoner as SuperMax, if you have Legendary Prisoner on your intake.


If Gangs are enabled in your prison, there is a high chance that a legendary prisoner will be a gang leader or lieutenant. It is wise to segregate these individuals immediately, else the prisoner will seek to recruit new soldiers and the size of their gang will grow exponentially. This can be potentially dangerous, especially if the gang leader is punished or killed.


Legendary prisoners are troublesome by nature and will frequently engage in misconduct, especially if they are volatile. They will arrive in your prison with lengthy prison sentences which can prove to be an irritant if you do not have a consistently efficient security force to deal with them.

It is advised to police these prisoners with Armed Guards, and standard guards equipped with body armor and tasers. Be cautious however as some of your legendary prisoners may possess the skills to disarm an Armed Guard and steal their firearm from them (skilled/expert fighters).

It would also be wise to cordon off your SuperMax wing with a number of solitary doors and remote doors as these doors are the most durable out of any other door type. This way, any chance prisoners trying to escape will have a long way to go before reaching freedom.

Legendary Prisoners may also carry a reputation for being 'extremely deadly'. Prisoners with this reputation will most likely kill anyone they engage with a single hit. It is advised to permanently confine these individuals in their cells or in solitary with armed guards on freefire.
