Prison Architect Wiki
Prison Architect Wiki

Every prisoner has a unique profile, or rapsheet, that holds information about them. This profile can be accessed by left clicking on any prisoner in-game. If "One Click Rapsheet" is disabled, you can access the Prisoner Profile by left-clicking on a prisoner and selecting "Show Rapsheet" from the tooltip.

It contains up to 5 tabs of information.


Profile Biography

The Biography tab includes general information about the prisoner.


  • Picture of the prisoner
  • Name
  • Age - age does not influence the gameplay as prisoners cannot die of old age

On the right there are a series of buttons:

  • Risk Category = you can change the prisoner's risk category as long as they are not Criminally Insane or Death Row inmates.
  • Search Prisoner = orders nearby guards to search the prisoner for contraband.
  • Search Cell = orders guards to search the prisoner's cell for contraband or tunnels.
  • Search Cell Block = orders guards to search every cell in the prisoner's cell block for contraband or tunnels.
  • Actions = a series of actions you can take on the prisoner
    • Lockdown = lock the prisoner in their cell for 6, 12 or 24 hours
    • Solitary = lock the prisoner in a solitary cell for 6, 12 or 24 hours
    • Lockdown/Solitary (permanent) = lock the prisoner in their cell or in a solitary cell until you release them or until they serve all their sentence; only available if "Permanent Punishment" has been researched through Bureaucracy
    • Escort to Infirmary = orders a guard to escort the prisoner to an Infirmary so that their wounds/intoxication may be treated by a doctor


  • Custom player-created biography (only on some prisoners)
  • Number of years to be served and for which crimes
  • Family = a list of all the prisoner's family members, which can show up in Visitation rooms or during an execution
  • Work Credentials (Second Chances DLC only)= if the prisoner has a work credential on their arrival at the prison, it is written here. They grant working experience as followed:
    • Cook: 50% Cooking Experience
    • Customer Service: 50% Customer Service Experience
    • Cleaner: 50% Cleaning Experience
    • Craftsman: 50% Craftsmanship Experience
    • Labourer: 50% Labouring Experience

The chance for prisoners to arrive with work credential is as follows:

Work Credential MinSec MedSec MaxSec
Cook 15% 10% 5%
Customer Service 23% 18% 13%
Cleaner 15% 10% 5%
Craftsman 15% 10% 5%
Labourer 15% 10% 5%
  • Stint = the number of times this prisoner was admitted to your prison; it will be higher than 1 if they re-offend once released


The list of all the crimes committed by the prisoner, written as follows:

  • Crime committed - years to serve for that crime - plea: guilty or not guilty

The crime will be struck through if that prison time has been served already

For a list of all possible crimes, check Traits.

At the bottom of the Biography tab there's a time line summing up how many years of their sentence the prisoner has already served.


Profile Character

The Character tab lists all the known reputations of the prisoner. If these are unknown, a text in orange saying "Unknown Reputation" will appear on the prisoner's tooltip and no reputation will be listed in the Character tab.

For a list of all possible reputations, check Reputations.


Profile Experience

The Experience tab describes how the prisoner spent their time in your prison.

Recent Misconduct[]

A list of all misconducts committed by the prisoner.

  • Recruit Informant: if the prisoner is suppressed and currently locked in solitary, you may be able to recruit them as Confidential Informant. If the prisoner is already one of your informants, it will be listed as so here. For more info, check Confidential Informants.

Single Bar Charts[]

Under the info about the number of in-game days spent in your prison by this prisoner, there is a series of 3-4 single bar charts that carry various information:

Activity colors
  • Activity = what the prisoner has been doing during their days in your prison. It is color coded for an easier read:
    • Misconduct: pale red
    • Lockdown: yellow (it will increase during work/lockup regime even if the prisoner is following a program)
    • Regime: green (e.g. lockup, shower)
    • Sleep: pale light blue
    • Work: gold
    • Exercise: vibrant red
    • Class: blue (while following programs)
    • Free Time: gray
Mood colors
  • Mood = the prisoner's mood, affected by how much their needs are satisfied. Bad happenings during their days can affect their mood negatively (e.g. a failed parole hearing, many needs unmet at once). It is color coded for an easier read:
    • Bad: red
    • Neutral: gray
    • Good: green
Condition colors
  • Condition = the prisoner's health condition, affected by his nutrition and injuries. It is color coded for an easier read:
    • None: gray
    • KOd: orange
    • Hurt: yellow
    • Suppressed: blue
    • Well Fed: green
  • Program = the program the prisoner is currently attending to. The upper bar that specifies the name of the program will fill up in reddish as the prisoner follows the various sessions of the program, completely filling up only once the program is completed; the lower bar shows the prisoner's success chance, and will fill up accordingly to the prisoner's concentration and understanding levels, which are affected by their morale, by how many unfulfilled needs they have, and by their level of suppression. For more info about programs, check Reform Programs.

Reform program history[]

A list of all the programs followed by the prisoner, specifying if they have been failed or succeeded, and how many times (if repeatable).

At the bottom of the Experience tab there's a time line showing how many years of their sentence the prisoner has already served.


Profile Grading

The Grading tab gives a score to your prisoner regarding 5 different criteria; the higher it is, the lower will be the Re-offending Chance of the prisoner, meaning it will be more unlikely that your prisoner will be incarcerated again once released.


This is a grading of how well the prisoner has been punished for their crimes, as perceived by the public. Serving a long term in prison is the foundation of a strong punishment, but hard times locked up alone will also count towards it.

Keep in mind that too much reform or free time will be seen as 'soft on crime' and will count against their punishment grade.

A strong punishment score will deter the prisoner from re-offending after release.

Punishment levels scale from 0 to 10.

  • Years served: 1 point every 2 years
  • % of stay locked up: 1 point every 5%
  • % of stay suppressed: 1 point every 5%
  • % of stay in reform program: 1 penalty every 10%
  • % of stay in free time: 1 penalty every 20%

You can easily increase the Punishment score by adding more lockup hours in your regime, reducing your prisoner's free time hours, and increasing the suppression through more armed guards and longer punishments.


A grading of how well you have attempted to reform and rehabilitate this prisoner through the use of Reform Programs.

A high Reform score will give the prisoner a much greater chance of finding genuine employment after release, and will therefore reduce their re-offending chance.

Note: putting your prisoners to work around the prison also counts towards this.

Reform levels scale from 0 to 10.

  • Easy programs passed: 2 points every easy program
  • Intermediate programs passed: 4 points every intermediate program passed
  • Advanced programs passed: 6 points every advanced program passed
  • % of stay in reform program: 1 point every 5%
  • % of stay working: 1 point every 10%
  • Has % work experiences across all expertise: 1 point every 50% total experience

You can easily increase the Reform grade with Spiritual Guidance programs, as it is easy to pass, only requires one session of 2 hours, and can be repeated indefinitely, granting +2 points each time.


A grading that represents how well you have kept this prisoner safely locked away. Keeping prisoners locked in their cells under armed guard will count heavily towards this. You will be penalized if the prisoner is involved in fights, murders or escape attempts.

A low score indicates the prisoner simply continued their criminal existence once inside your prison, and hence their re-offending chance will be high upon leaving.

Security levels scale from -5 to +5.

  • % of stay locked up: 1 point every 10%
  • % of stay under armed guard or suppressed: 1 point every 10%
  • % of stay misbehaving: 1 penalty every 1%
  • % of stay involved in violent incidents: 1 penalty every violent incidents
  • Murders committed within your prisons: 4 penalties every murder
  • Times tried to escape: 2 penalties every escape attempt
  • Gang member: 5 penalties

You can easily increase the Security score by adding Armed Guards to your prison.


A record of the prisoners health and well-being during their stay in your prison. Outdoor exercise and good food count towards this; injuries that go untreated, drugs and alcohol usage all count against it.

A poor score here will increase their chance of re-offending, particularly if the prisoner leaves prison with untreated drug or alcohol dependencies.

Health levels scale from -5 to +5.

  • % of stay well fed: 1 point every 5%
  • % of stay exercising: 1 point every 5%
  • % of stay with untreated injuries: 1 penalty every 1%
  • % of stay intoxicated (drugs/alcohol/withdrawal): 4 penalties for each addiction

This is a tricky score to keep up, since the well fed bonus (if given by a high variety and high quality meal) stays active only for 3 hours after eating, and the need to exercise only manifests in 60% of your prisoners (30% in female prisoners). Moreover, addiction to alcohol cannot be permanently eradicated, so it will always count towards the Health score.

It is advised to serve at least two high quality and high quantity meals per day, and keep the contraband down in order to minimize the chance of the prisoners to become intoxicated.

Work Experience[]

(Second Chances DLC only)

A record of the prisoner's work experience, precious in the process of reforming them into model citizens. It also aids them while in prison: for example, after gaining experience in a specific field, the prisoner will perform jobs associated with that field of work more efficiently than they would have previously.

Prisoners with 50% Work Experience in Cooking, Craftmanship, or Customer Service can work any related job without completing the associated training. Prisoners will also achieve points toward their Re-offending Rate when reaching 50% and 100% experience in any field of work.

Work Experience levels scale from 0 to 10.

  • Has % work experiences across all expertise: 1 point every 50% total experience

Re-offending Chance[]

At the end of the Grading tab there's the prisoner Estimated Re-offending Chance, which is an estimate of the prisoner's likelihood to re-offend after leaving prison. Many factors are taken into account to produce this value.

It is heavily influenced by the prisoner's scoring in the previous fields: therefore it is decreased by harsh/strong punishment and successful reform programs, while it is increased by poor health and security, untreated drug and alcohol addictions and gang membership.

It is also influenced by:

  • The prisoner's age: the younger the prisoner is, the more likely they are to re-offend; this also means that the percentage will gradually lower on its own as the prisoner spends years inside your prison.
    • up to +90% if very young (18-20 years old)
    • from 21 years old it diminishes by 2% for each year older (+80% at 25 years old, +30% at 50 years old)
    • it caps at +10% at 60 years old
  • The number of convictions
    • -30% if only one conviction
    • +5% for every conviction past the second one
    • Pleading guilty or not, or the gravity of the conviction does not alter this percentage
  • How many family members the prisoner has
    • -2% for each family member
  • Presence of certain traits
    • +10% for each of these traits: Violent, Narcotics, Lethal, Sexual
    • for more info about traits, check Traits
  • Presence of certain reputations
    • +10% for each of these reputations: Deadly, Volatile
    • for more info about reputations, check Reputations
  • -5% for each Punishment rating (up to -50%)
  • -5% for each Reform rating (up to -50%)
  • +5% for every negative Security rating (up to +25%)
  • +5% for every negative Health rating (up to +25%)
  • -5% for each Working Experience rating (up to -50%) (Second Chances DLC only)

The sum of all these different elements gives the current Estimated Re-offending Chance of the prisoner, that scales from 2% to 97%. Hovering with your cursor over it, you can learn about some of these modifiers. On the tooltip you can also read Estimate on arrival which is the initial Estimated Re-offending Chance when the prisoner first arrived in your prison; if it's higher than the current one it means your prison is efficient at rehabilitating its prisoners.

Work & Training[]

(Second Chances DLC only)

Profile Work&Training

The Work & Training tab lists various information about the prisoner's working experience and related reform programs. It also lists the recent misconducts committed by the prisoner, as in the Experience tab.

Work Experience[]

Here are listed the various form of experience own by the prisoner. They can enter the prison already having 50% experience in one of these fields, depending on their previous occupation. It can be increased by passing the related reform programs (listed below) or actively working in their associated jobs.

  • Cooking Experience: Prisoners who have 50% experience in this field can directly work in kitchens, restaurants, or bakeries. A higher experience also increases their efficiency in associated jobs.
  • Cleaning Experience: Prisoners gaining experience in this field will increase their efficiency in cleaning related jobs.
  • Craftmanship Experience: Prisoners who have 50% experience in this field can directly work in the workshop, further experience also increases their efficiency.
  • Labouring Experience: Prisoners gaining experience in this field will increase their efficiency in manual labour jobs.
  • Customer Service Experience: Prisoners who have 50% experience in this field can directly take part in the Three Strikes program and service work; further experience also increases their efficiency in jobs related to customer service.

Reform Programs[]
