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Prison Architect Wiki

Psychiatrist is a staff member who is exclusive to Psych Ward. He takes care of Criminally Insane prisoners by providing one-on-one sessions that help prisoners stay calm and reduce their growing feeling of suppression.

Psychiatrists require psychiatrist offices to function properly.

Psychiatric Consultation Program[]

Psychiatrist starts his job once the office is fully set up and Psychiatric Consultation program scheduled.

  • The program starts with psychiatrist preparing it which takes about 30 minutes. During that time, one of the orderlies is sent to bring the Criminally Insane inmate to the psychiatrist's office where the program takes place. If they show up too early, they just wait outside to be called in.
  • When everything is ready - the orderly escorts the prisoner inside, prisoner takes a seat and the orderly goes back outside and waits by the door for the session to end.
  • Each session is scheduled for one hour but the actual meeting (one-on-one talk) lasts for 30 minutes. The other 30 minutes Psychiatrist spends on preparing for another guest.

You can have many sessions scheduled, just keep in mind that each of them costs $150.


Psychiatric consultation sessions are easy and criminally insane prisoners should not have problems finishing them. Each successful session reduces their growing feeling of suppression and even stops it from going up for some time, based on the grading of the office.


  • You can have more than one psychiatrist which is recommended in bigger prisons.
  • One psychiatrist can run several programs.
  • Psychiatrist like other staff members can get tired and need to take a break in the staff room, with additional requirements if if Staff Needs are enabled.